Students walking by Central Hall

Anglican Student Fellowship

Hillsdale College


The Anglican Student Fellowship serves primarily as a ministry for Anglican students on campus in affiliation with Holy Trinity Parish. The ministry’s purpose is to encourage faithful Christian living through daily prayer in the rich liturgies of the Anglican Daily Office, through instructional opportunities such as lectures from professors and guest speakers, and through fellowship events to facilitate community among Anglican students on campus and between the students and the larger community of Holy Trinity Parish. More broadly, the ministry serves also to increase awareness and understanding of the Anglican tradition in the campus community as a whole.
Events: Regular yearly events include the start of the semester bonfire, fellowship nights with church families, morning and evening prayer during the week, psalm sings, a Christmas party, an Easter Egg hunt for the children at Holy Trinity Parish, and guest lectures from guest speakers or faculty.

Student Contact

Adam Lindauer

[email protected]

Faculty Advisor

Cody Strecker

[email protected]

Rev. Adam Rick

[email protected]