Angelica Pytel

Angelica Pytel

Visiting Lecturer in Biology
I feel the true meaning in life is found by contributing to the good of society, and one way to do that is to obtain an education and pass on that knowledge and passion to others.
— Angelica Pytel

Faculty Information

Additional Faculty Information for Angelica Pytel


B.S., Ohio Northern University

A.B.D., Bowling Green State University


President of the Michigan Entomological Society

Member of the Ohio Academy of Sciences


Updated Checklist of the Michigan Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Trichoptera, (July 2015).

Validation of CTmax Protocols Using Cased and Uncased Pycnopsyche guttifer (Trichoptera) larvae. The Great Lakes Entomologist, 47, (2014): 1–8.

Nocturnal Flight Periodicity of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) in a Large Michigan River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 28, (2013): 463–476.


I learned to love biology from my father, who was a junior-high biology teacher. I grew up fishing and learning about rivers and lakes and ultimately followed in his footsteps.

I feel the true meaning in life is found by contributing to the good of society, and one way to do that is to obtain an education and pass on that knowledge and passion to others. In science, evidence dictates what we teach. It is a process to understand the material world, and in that I think all students of biology must appreciate the importance and strength of evolutionary theory in explaining the relationships of all living beings from bacteria to humans.

I’ve been at Hillsdale since 2003, and believe it or not, Hillsdale was the only job I applied for. I think ending up here is a fabulous coincidence because I enjoy teaching so very much, and I’m grateful for the wonderful students at Hillsdale College who make my days so enjoyable.

I love spending part of my summer at the G.H. Gordon Biological Station in Luther, Michigan, where I work with students on research projects. It sure does not feel like work, and it is the best part of my year! I think students at Hillsdale College will make relationships unlike those they would make anywhere else. The best part of Hillsdale is the quality of education, along with a deep, warm, personal experience. The depth of care we take at Hillsdale to support our students as people has no equal.