Mark Kalthoff

Mark A. Kalthoff

Henry Salvatori Chair in History and Traditional Values, Professor, Dean of Faculty

Faculty Information

Additional Faculty Information for Mark A. Kalthoff


Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, 1998

M.A. in History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, 1987

B.S. in History, Biology, and Mathematics, Hillsdale College, 1984


Richard M. Weaver Graduate Fellowship Fellow

Templeton Foundation Science & Religion Course Competition Winner


History of Science Society

Conference on Faith and History

American Scientific Affiliation

The Philadelphia Society


“Taming the Rebel Child: Science & God in the Thought of C. A. Coulson,” (July 15, 2015).

“Liberal Education, the Ordered Soul, and Cicero’s De Officiis: A Core Text for Every Curriculum,” published online by The Association for Core Texts and Courses.

“Inerrant Wind? Lies and Lessons about the Ways We Teach and Remember the Scopes Trial,” in Michael P. Federici, ed., Rethinking the Teaching of American History (Louisville: Butler Books, 2012), 75-99.

“The Real Business of Liberal Learning,” The Imaginative Conservative (April 26, 2012).

“The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge: Defending Classical Liberal Education from Melanchthon to Newman,” Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology 21, no. 2 (Eastertide 2012): 51-55.

“Optimistic Evolutionists: The Progressive Science and Religion of Joseph LeConte, Henry Ward Beecher, and Lyman Abbott,” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 60 (June 2008): 84-94.

“Russell Kirk, C. P. Snow, and Sir Thomas Browne: Wisdom, Mystery, and Faith in the Empire of Science,” Faith & Reason 31 (Winter 2006): 479-501. Republished online as “The Bohemian Tory and the Oxbridge Knights,” November 2, 2013 at The Imaginative Conservative.

“Contra Ideology,” Faith & Reason 30 (Autumn & Winter 2005): 221-241.

“Galilei, Galileo,” in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, vol. 2., pp. 813-816. Detroit: Thomson-Gale, 2005.

“A Different Voice From the Eve of The Origin: Reconsidering John Henry Newman on Christianity and Science,” Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith 53 (March 2001): 14-23.

Editor, Creation and Evolution in the Early American Scientific Affiliation, vol. 10 of “Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, 1900-1961,” Ronald Numbers, General Editor. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1995.