Dr. Somerville

Visiting Writers: Authors and Friends

Written by Klara Holscher

Dr. John Somerville, associate professor of English and director of the Visiting Writers Program, summarizes the goal of this program: “The Visiting Writers Program is meant to introduce authors and introduce our campus and students to them.” Dr. Somerville, whose undergraduate university had a program similar to Hillsdale’s current program, assumed directorship from Dr. Sundahl. “My first experience with the program was a pleasure,” Dr. Somerville reminisces. Authors have enjoyed many positive interactions with students while on campus and some even begin an ongoing correspondence after their visit. A few of them, including Paul Mariani, Andrew Hudgins, and B.H. Fairchild, have even returned several times.

Mark Richard is now one of these returning authors. After his initial visit to campus four years ago, Dr. Somerville was excited to welcome Mark back to Hillsdale. This time he came not simply as a visiting writer, but as a friend. Reflecting back to Mark’s visit in the fall of 2011, Dr. Somerville recalls, “He was wonderful. For all of his ability and his talent, he is so generous and is really a fine person.”

Dr. Somerville’s journey with Mark Richard began upon reading a review of House of Prayer No. 2. The review was so complimentary that he decided to order this memoir. He had no previous experience with Mark, but after beginning the book, he couldn’t put it down. “House of Prayer No. 2 has become one of my three or four favorite books by contemporary writers. After reading it I thought, ‘I have to bring him to Hillsdale if I can.’” He wrote to Mark, who called him later that summer to accept the invitation.

Dr. Somerville admires both the content and style of House of Prayer No. 2: “One of its unique features is Richard’s use of the second person, ‘you.’ People usually use this when talking with friends. It is very unusual, but appealing to me. The book is full of so many remarkable details and events. It’s a kind of spiritual autobiography. In that genre there are so many unusual and amazing incidents.” The abundance of strange occurrences Mark describes caused him to comment, when speaking with Dr. Somerville during his first visit to Hillsdale, “I have people on speed dial who can confirm these events.”

“My vision for the Visiting Writers Program,” Dr. Somerville says, “is that the people who get to spend time with the authors are students. It’s the students who are the priority.” Mark therefore spent much of his visit with students, whether in conversation over meals or in classes. The students who were able to interact with Mark are extremely grateful for his participation in the Visiting Writers Program and hope that he will visit again sometime in the near future.

Victoria BarryVictoria Barry,’16, is majoring in English with a classical education minor. She is the president of the A.A. Milne Society, an editor for the Tower Light, an active member of the Catholic Society, and a volunteer at Mary Randall Preschool.