Jolene Macaluso

Jolene Macaluso

Admissions Counselor
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Hillsdale College not only provided me abounding possibilities for academic growth, but also the gentle guidance and accountability of treasured friends, passionate peers, devoted professors, and a dutiful staff that helped me to develop a virtuous character and find the courage to lead a purposeful life.
— Jolene Macaluso

Counselor Information

Additional Counselor Information for Jolene Macaluso


Jolene is a 2021 Hillsdale College graduate with a major in religion. She hails originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, and while she learned of Hillsdale College in seventh grade, she did not begin to understand the incredible nature of this place until her senior year of high school. Once at Hillsdale, that understanding increased daily as Jolene pursued academics in every department; faith through College ministry and local church involvement; service and leadership as a Resident Advisor, Student Ambassador, Barney Charter School Initiative curriculum copy-editor, member of academic honoraries, and participant in various G.O.A.L programs; and community primarily through sand volleyball and coffee dates. During her time as a Hillsdale student, Jolene treasured the challenging conversations that often came at late and unexpected hours with friends, and the rigorous balance of academic and extracurricular life. Most of all, Jolene is grateful to have met her husband during their shared time at the College.