Don Tocco

Don Tocco Visits Campus

Written by Michael Ragan

The month of February saw the return of benefactor Don Tocco to Hillsdale’s campus for his eleventh event with the student body. For the past ten years Mr. Tocco has hosted ‘The Tocco Challenge;’ an annual competition where Hillsdale’s student-athletes competed against Mr. Tocco in such events as basketball, baseball, and chess in order to raise funds for various campus organizations. “All good things must come to an end,” Mr. Tocco stated at his most recent event. “The Challenge had a good run, but it was time to begin a new chapter.”

Instead of athletic prowess, Mr. Tocco brought into focus a different set of skills when he visited campus in 2014. Art, particularly poetry and sculpture from his book Art of the Journey, and motivational speaking were the keystones of the speech delivered to a standing room only Phillips Auditorium. Pairing self-made artwork with a number of examples of his own inspirations and mentors, Mr. Tocco delivered a powerful message focusing on the Greek word Arete. Known fairly well around Hillsdale’s campus, Arete is understood to mean the act of becoming the best version of yourself that you can possibly be through virtue and self-improvement. Mr. Tocco shared a fairly intimate account of his own struggles as a young man, and shared the lessons of people who helped him learn to strive toward his own personal Arete.

Mr. Tocco’s speech served not only as a positive reminder to all students of why they attend Hillsdale, but also as a chance for students to raise money to support their respective organizations. Awards of up to $1,000 were given out to Greek Houses, athletic teams, and campus clubs based on attendance percentage. The money is to be used to promote leadership programs, charitable events, and to foster a sense of community within student life. It is Mr. Tocco’s willingness to work so directly and passionately with students that makes him perhaps the most well known donor on campus; his message continues to reach students in a personal way, and the student body looks forward to his return in 2015.

Michael Ragan is a member of the class of 2015 at Hillsdale College. A resident of Toledo, Ohio, Michael is majoring in Economics and minoring in Music. He is a member of the Beta Kappa Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, the club golf team, and the Aliaga Foundation on campus.