students with snowman on quad

A Guide for Surviving the Michigan Winter

Written by Bridget DeLapp

The harsh Michigan winter, especially this year’s, has put many freshmen to the test of braving the elements and carrying on with the academic schedule. Many students find themselves trekking around campus in the bitter cold, through drifts of snow, and even slipping on icy pavement. The goal: get to class on time, with all fingers and toes intact. Here are some bits of wisdom from freshmen on how they are learning to survive, and even enjoy, Michigan’s winter wonderland.

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1. Baa-baa black sheep, have you any socks?
“Living in Michigan during the winter has taught me the harsh reality that those fun, low-cut socks just don’t cut it. When it’s negative 10 degrees, you’re going to want a sock that provides a thick barrier between you and your snow boots, and one that won’t fall down during your walks in between classes.” Salem Baer

2. Pick the path of least resistance
“The key to staying warm is being strategic in your route to and from different locations. Instead of picking the quickest or most efficient route, pick the route where you can walk through the most buildings.” Alex Reuss

3. Hands—the key to human existence
“Coming from the South, I would say that hand protection is extremely important. As much as keeping your hands in your pockets helps, I slip on the ice way too much. I need my hands for balance. So, I bought some mittens at Jilly Beans, the coffee shop in town. They are made from pure wool knits, and by far the best $20 I’ve ever spent.” Danagrace Buck

4. Cover up and pucker up!
“If you’re not wearing a hat, you’re going to hate your life. Once my ears are cold, I’m done for. So I try always to cover them. Also I have become a chapstick fanatic. Coming from the humidity of Florida to this dry Planet-Hoth-like weather has been a struggle. Chapstick is key!” Shayna Fields

5. Cocoa to go
“There’s nothing that warms you up better than a cup of hot cocoa from Saga. The perfect beverage to keep you warm as you walk through the snow. And don’t forget: if Saga Steve made the trek through the snow so he could swipe you in, the least you can say is ‘Thanks, Steve!’ while you walk out of Saga with a cup of hot cocoa.” David Peters

6. Layer up, Charger!
“As a Texan, totally out of my element in this bitter cold, the best way I have learned to stay warm is to layer. Try buying your pants in a size up so you can wear a layer underneath. Keep hand warmers in your pockets, and don’t be afraid to break out the ski mask.” Hannah Norman

7. Don’t just endure the winter—enjoy it!
“In good old Michigan, the snow doesn’t melt for four to five months. But instead of complaining about the cold, I like to have as much fun as I possibly can! Go ice-skating, make a fort, or build a snowman. My mission is to organize an all-campus snowball fight. Three epic teams: the Honors kids, the Greeks, and the plain-bagel-students.” Lois Lesher

What measures do you take to stay safe and warm during the chilly winter months?

Bridget DeLapp is a freshman at Hillsdale College who plans to major in Marketing and to minor in English and Graphic Design. A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Bridget enjoys playing the piano and guitar, and she takes part in various intramural sports. She hopes to pursue a career in advertising.