Jeffrey Rogers

What Chief Would Want His Daughters to Know

Written by Minte Christiansen

“I care about you all. I don’t know you all yet, but I care about you all already,” Chief Jeffrey Rogers told the girls assembled before him. I was at an informal lecture called “What Chief Would Want His Daughters to Know,” and while telling us that he cared jived with that, I was surprised by his words nonetheless. How could he be so caring?

Chief Jeffrey Rogers, known affectionately around campus as “Chief,” is the Associate Dean of Men at Hillsdale. He’s kind, wise, and side-splittingly funny. Though he mostly advises the young men of the college, Chief was invited to speak at a women’s dormitory, Mauck, because he was sure to give us a wholly different perspective on expectations for young women.

Hillsdale is delightfully academic, and I love learning everything I learn in my classes. However, it’s also a place to become the kind of person you want to become. Whether through advice given directly or good examples witnessed, you want learn from people all around the college.

Chief gave three specific points:

  1. Beware self-centered planning. Think of others and how to serve them in everyday life. You can get far in life, but not without support of others.
  2. Beware self-confident presumption. Don’t assume you know everything—trust others’ opinions and advice. Everyone has a different perspective that can teach you something.
  3. Beware self-complacent procrastination. This goes hand-in-hand with the Hillsdale motto, virtus tentamine gaudet: strength rejoices in the challenge. Don’t avoid something just because it might be difficult. Rather, tackle it confidently.

Whether or not you’re familiar with advice like this already, it’s always helpful to have a reminder. Chief’s open and caring attitude shows what kind of an effect his advice can have on someone’s character. The talk was fun because Chief knows how to joke around, but it was also meaningful because he is sincere in all he does.

As someone growing up into a capital-A Adult, having a good role model like Chief is extraordinarily helpful. I’ll study hard, graduate, and move on with my life, having been made better for my education, but college is also a place to shape my character. Hillsdale has been invaluable in that way. It’s not just incidental lectures like this, although they’re nice, but it’s the kind of people that fill the library, cafeteria, and dorms. Role models aren’t just found in the deans’ offices, but in the students and friends around me that help mold me into the virtuous person I want to become.

Minte Christiansen is a junior majoring in English with minors in Art and Classical Education. She is a member of the Eta Sigma Phi Classics Honorary and the Alpha Rho Tau Art Honorary, where she is the secretary. Minte is also on the Event Planning Board for the Hillsdale Lutheran Society, and she is the Student House Director of Mauck Dormitory.